On the Other Hand
“On the Other Hand” Podcast: Sponsored by Braver Angels Arkansas, featuring co-hosts Glen White & April Chatham-Carpenter
On the Other Hand
On the Other Hand is a podcast that explores politics and other issues of importance to Arkansans through conversations with community leaders in Arkansas. Co-hosts are Glen White and April Chatham-Carpenter, both of whom are active leaders in Braver Angels here in Arkansas. In this podcast, our goal is to serve as a venue for honest but civil conversations about a variety of topics with community leaders of diverse perspectives, especially those who work with others whose views or politics differ from their own beliefs. On the Other Hand is based on the premise that progress in our community and country happens when we listen respectfully to each other and are willing to work with each other when needed, so that problem-solving can occur and our citizens have hope of a more functional government. Ultimately, we want to help reduce political polarization in Arkansas. For questions, suggestions or feedback, contact us at: otherhandar@gmail.com. Thanks so much!
Bios for our On the Other Hand podcast staff
J. Glen White (PhD in Clinical Psychology) is a founding member of the Arkansas alliance of Braver Angels, a national organization devoted to ending extreme political polarization in America, with a mission of promoting mutual respect, civil dialog, and seeking of common ground among persons of differing political philosophies. Glen currently serves as state co-coordinator and provides workshops and presentations to support the mission of Braver Angels.
Prior to his retirement in 2021, Glen worked as a psychologist in the local Veterans Healthcare System, as clinical faculty in the University of Arkansas Medical Center, as clinical staff at a local mental health center, and as instructor at the University of Arkansas at Little Rock. He continues to enjoy public speaking and serving his community.
As creator and co-host of the podcast On the Other Hand, Glen uses his past experiences and skills (including two years as a college DJ) to respectfully engage in conversations with podcast guests, especially community leaders in Arkansas and beyond who in various ways reach across political and other divisions to serve their community.
April Chatham-Carpenter (PhD, University of Oklahoma) is a Professor of Applied Communication at the University of Arkansas at Little Rock, where she serves as Department Chair of the Department of Applied Communication. She is skilled in interpersonal communication, instructional design, group facilitation, strategic planning, relationship-based change management, and public speaking. She researches issues such as innovation and change, use of communication to manage difficult dialogues, and transformations in online teaching. She teaches both undergraduate and graduate classes in support of the Department of Applied Communication’s mission “to foster the co-creation of better social worlds through positive communication.”
Dr. Chatham-Carpenter is an active volunteer with the national Braver Angels organization, serving in leadership roles such as Director of Field Communications for the Office of Field Operations and Regional Co-Lead for the West South Central Region. She also has been active in local efforts in the Braver Angels Arkansas Alliance, serving in the past as state co-coordinator and alliance co-chair. She also regularly serves as a workshop moderator and zoom event manager for local and national Braver Angels workshops, and is a co-host of the On the Other Hand podcast.
John P. O’Brien serves as producer and editor for the podcast, On The Other Hand. John combines 33 years as a senior corporate human resources and training executive and thirteen years in public education and his decades of technical know-how with video and audio editing. John brings to the table experiences with community volunteering work as a member and an officer with Rotary International, Kiwanis International, Optimist International, Literacy Council, The United Way, Junior Achievement, and AmeriCorps.
Wednesday Aug 30, 2023
Wednesday Aug 30, 2023
Glen and April welcome University of Arkansas at Little Rock professor Dr. Nitin Agarwal, the Jerry L. Maulden-Entergy Chair & Distinguished Professor in the UA-Little Rock Information Science Department. Dr. Agarwal is also the Director of the Collaboratorium for Social Media and Online Behavioral Studies (COSMOS). His work focuses on influence operations online, information environment manipulation, mis/disinformation and propaganda campaigns that primarily originate outside the US and which potentially impact US defense strategic interests. As a subject matter expert on how social media is used to impact people and societies, such as through promoting toxic polarization and other negative consequences, Dr. Agarwal was interviewed to help us better understand what he and his team have found through his research about the ways that social media is being used in nefarious ways around the world. We also explore with him ways to improve our interactions with social media in our culture. In this first episode, Nitin describes the "good, bad and ugly" behaviors on social media, tactics, techniques and procedures used for online influence campaigns, and how social media, which originated with high hopes for positive use in society, has gone down a dark path in many ways currently.
Wednesday Aug 23, 2023
Wednesday Aug 23, 2023
In this second part of Glen White's interview with Braver Angels Arkansas leaders April Chatham-Carpenter & Ray Hanley about their experiences at the 2023 Braver Angels National Convention, we hear April and Ray share their thoughts about the struggles they and most of us have in "walking the walk" in their work with Braver Angels. Maintaining a respectful approach to one's conversations, social media interactions, and other means of interaction with people of differing political views turns out the be a challenge for all of us. Yet both talk about examples of positive outcomes when using the skills and approaches espoused by Braver Angels, and the potential benefits of persisting even when our passion for advocating for our beliefs puts us in potential conflict with others. Based on what they learned during the convention, they provide some ideas about next steps for Braver Angels in Arkansas.
Wednesday Aug 23, 2023
Wednesday Aug 23, 2023
Glen White interviews Braver Angels Arkansas leaders April Chatham-Carpenter & Ray Hanley about their experiences at the 2023 Braver Angels National Convention. In this first of two episodes, Ray provides a background on the historic nature of the setting of the convention, while April describes the wide variety of events and activities that made up the first in-person convention since the COVID pandemic. "A Christian, a Jew, a Muslim, and a Wiccan walk into a convention..." - Sound like a bad joke? Nope, it's more like one of the more notable experiences Ray describes from his time at the convention. For music fans, April tells us about some of the musical moments during the convention, which included a group that combines hip-hop and bluegrass. Talk about your reaching across divides!
Tuesday Jul 11, 2023
Tuesday Jul 11, 2023
In part 2 of our interview with Dr. Rebecca Glazier, Professor in UA-Little Rock's school of Public Affairs, Rebecca reveals strategies she employs for dealing with difficult, rigid people in her attempts to bridge differences, including "cross-cutting," as ways to build more positive relationships and interactions. An example is described in how a potentially difficult conversation about immigration led to finding several elements of common ground. Rebecca views religion as one of several potential means for bringing the right and left politically toward common ground. She used this approach in a "Race and Faith" summit of faith-based leaders in the community, and she outlines some of the both difficult and encouraging moments from that summit. Various negative societal influences, such as social media, gerrymandering, and others are described in terms of their tendency to increase polarization, as well as positive alternative strategies for broadening one's view of their "in-group." Rebecca points out how politicians are "single-minded seekers of re-election" and the implications of that reality on compromise as well as how to respond. She then concludes with additional ideas for how to reduce defensiveness when having political discussions.
Tuesday Jul 11, 2023
Tuesday Jul 11, 2023
Dr. Rebecca Glazier, Professor in UA-Little Rock's school of Public Affairs, is interviewed about her work, including research with various faith communities in central Arkansas and their interests in community involvement. She works with her students and the community in trying to explore sources of division and polarization, as well as ways of reducing those tendencies. A key goal of her work is to learn more about the impact of religion, social identity and other factors that may contribute to division in the congregations and community. Initial work revealed a strong interest on the part of many congregations to look specifically at race as a topic that needs better understanding for overcoming tensions and silos in the community. Rebecca explores both positive and negative impact of religion in various areas, through a discussion of something she calls "ambivalence of the sacred." She also shares some of her classroom strategies for helping her class be a safe environment for having potentially difficult discussions for the students.
Friday Jun 09, 2023
#35 Vic Snyder, former AR congressman, 4-25-23, part 2: OTOH Episode 35
Friday Jun 09, 2023
Friday Jun 09, 2023
In part two of our interview with Vic Snyder, he encourages citizens to not give up on their elected representatives. Vic expresses concerns about current Arkansas politics becoming more extreme than most voters, but he recognizes that campaigning often leads candidates to go to the extreme views of their party in order to get elected. However, when they get elected, they realize that governing isn't as easy as their campaigning views portrayed. Vic expresses concern about the influence of big money in politics, which can pose a danger to our democracy, the integrity of our elections, and our quality of life. He also shares lessons from his past involvement in the impeachment proceedings of Bill Clinton and how they might apply in today’s political environment.
Friday Jun 09, 2023
#34 Vic Snyder, former AR congressman, 4-25-23, part 1: OTOH Episode 34
Friday Jun 09, 2023
Friday Jun 09, 2023
Glen and April sat down with former congressman from Arkansas 2nd district Vic Snyder recently. In this first episode, hear Vic’s views of bipartisan possibilities in Congress, based on his experiences as a congressman in the past. Vic describes some of the key things that he believes have contributed to the worsening of relationships in Congress. He also describes some potential areas of common ground that should be possible for Congress. Vic worked early in his career with Republicans, and in this interview, he expresses strong concerns about identifying too heavily with one party, and he expresses serious concerns about our current struggles in government. Vic, in his retirement, also is working on a fundraising initiative for a project recognizing the 1865 explosion and sinking of the Sultana steamboat, which was the largest maritime disaster in US history at that time.
Wednesday Apr 19, 2023
#33 Rita Chisum Braver Angels activist 3-8-23: OTOH Episode 33
Wednesday Apr 19, 2023
Wednesday Apr 19, 2023
In this 2nd part of our interview with Braver Angels activist Rita Chisum, we hear Rita's thoughts about Truth (big T) versus truth (little t) and the importance of maintaining humility in one's beliefs about what we see as true. She explains some concerns she has about stereotypes some Blues may have about Reds, quotes Maya Angelou, and talks about her hopes for where Arkansas may be headed. She ends with strong assertions about respecting, listening to, and finding good in all people, not just those of the same political or religious persuasion.
Wednesday Apr 19, 2023
#32 Rita Chisum Braver Angels activist 3-8-23: OTOH Episode 32
Wednesday Apr 19, 2023
Wednesday Apr 19, 2023
Glen and April interview Rita Chisum, an Arkansan and Braver Angels activist. In this episode, Rita describes how her family upbringing and strong Christian faith led her to being the person she is today. She also notes how those values drew her to the Braver Angels mission. As a Red politically, Rita ties her political views to her early influences, but she also notes her strong beliefs in respecting others who may disagree with her on politics, religion, and other topics. She emphasizes the importance of dealing directly but lovingly with differences one encounters when difficult conversations arise. Rita also suggests the value of providing early, developmentally appropriate education in psychology for young children, which she feels would help increase their empathy and skills for dealing with difficult issues they may face as they grow.
Friday Mar 31, 2023
Friday Mar 31, 2023
In part 2 of this conversation Glen and April have with recent Democratic candidate for governor Dr. Chris Jones, Chris describes the importance of authentic dialog in political conversations, with emphasis on a positive and respectful approach - including clarity in one's positions. He draws parallels between a divided legislative and executive branch in Arkansas during the Winthrop Rockefeller years with the potential for productivity even with possible future such divisions in Arkansas's government. Discussions include the importance of hearing from a wide range of voices when trying to solve difficult problems, potential areas of common ground between political factions in Arkansas, and the need to avoid demonizing other views, while continuing to call out destructive public assertions. He also covers how he views science and religion as being complementary and not necessarily being inconsistent with each other. He outlines recent attempts to broaden who he talks with in Arkansas as he hopes to build a more responsive and widespread involvement in political activities.
Braver Angels Arkansas
On the Other Hand is sponsored by Braver Angels in Arkansas, part of a national organization that aims to reduce political polarization, to help people discover common ground, and to promote a more respectful and productive exchange of perspectives among participants in our democracy. Music heard during the On the Other Hand podcast was composed by Randall Standridge of Jonesboro, AR and was performed by the University of Northern Colorado Symphonic Band, Dr. Richard Mayne, conductor.
Listeners of On the Other Hand – we want to hear from you!
We’d love to hear from our listeners about feedback on what you like about our podcast, suggestions for improvement, ideas for speakers or topics, or whatever you want to share with us. Email us at: otherhandar@gmail.com
Learn more about us on our web site or visit our Facebook page.