On the Other Hand
“On the Other Hand” Podcast: Sponsored by Braver Angels Arkansas, featuring co-hosts Glen White & April Chatham-Carpenter
On the Other Hand
On the Other Hand is a podcast that explores politics and other issues of importance to Arkansans through conversations with community leaders in Arkansas. Co-hosts are Glen White and April Chatham-Carpenter, both of whom are active leaders in Braver Angels here in Arkansas. In this podcast, our goal is to serve as a venue for honest but civil conversations about a variety of topics with community leaders of diverse perspectives, especially those who work with others whose views or politics differ from their own beliefs. On the Other Hand is based on the premise that progress in our community and country happens when we listen respectfully to each other and are willing to work with each other when needed, so that problem-solving can occur and our citizens have hope of a more functional government. Ultimately, we want to help reduce political polarization in Arkansas. For questions, suggestions or feedback, contact us at: otherhandar@gmail.com. Thanks so much!
Bios for our On the Other Hand podcast staff
J. Glen White (PhD in Clinical Psychology) is a founding member of the Arkansas alliance of Braver Angels, a national organization devoted to ending extreme political polarization in America, with a mission of promoting mutual respect, civil dialog, and seeking of common ground among persons of differing political philosophies. Glen currently serves as state co-coordinator and provides workshops and presentations to support the mission of Braver Angels.
Prior to his retirement in 2021, Glen worked as a psychologist in the local Veterans Healthcare System, as clinical faculty in the University of Arkansas Medical Center, as clinical staff at a local mental health center, and as instructor at the University of Arkansas at Little Rock. He continues to enjoy public speaking and serving his community.
As creator and co-host of the podcast On the Other Hand, Glen uses his past experiences and skills (including two years as a college DJ) to respectfully engage in conversations with podcast guests, especially community leaders in Arkansas and beyond who in various ways reach across political and other divisions to serve their community.
April Chatham-Carpenter (PhD, University of Oklahoma) is a Professor of Applied Communication at the University of Arkansas at Little Rock, where she serves as Department Chair of the Department of Applied Communication. She is skilled in interpersonal communication, instructional design, group facilitation, strategic planning, relationship-based change management, and public speaking. She researches issues such as innovation and change, use of communication to manage difficult dialogues, and transformations in online teaching. She teaches both undergraduate and graduate classes in support of the Department of Applied Communication’s mission “to foster the co-creation of better social worlds through positive communication.”
Dr. Chatham-Carpenter is an active volunteer with the national Braver Angels organization, serving in leadership roles such as Director of Field Communications for the Office of Field Operations and Regional Co-Lead for the West South Central Region. She also has been active in local efforts in the Braver Angels Arkansas Alliance, serving in the past as state co-coordinator and alliance co-chair. She also regularly serves as a workshop moderator and zoom event manager for local and national Braver Angels workshops, and is a co-host of the On the Other Hand podcast.
John P. O’Brien serves as producer and editor for the podcast, On The Other Hand. John combines 33 years as a senior corporate human resources and training executive and thirteen years in public education and his decades of technical know-how with video and audio editing. John brings to the table experiences with community volunteering work as a member and an officer with Rotary International, Kiwanis International, Optimist International, Literacy Council, The United Way, Junior Achievement, and AmeriCorps.
Friday Mar 31, 2023
Friday Mar 31, 2023
In this first part of a conversation with recent Democratic candidate for governor Dr. Chris Jones, Glen and April explore with Chris how he views his politics, some of the early life influences on his political views, and his strong belief that all points on the political spectrum can contribute to problem solving. He explains his approach to dealing with political differences, which includes preference for "high conflict" vs "conflict entrepreneurs." He also discusses the voluntary nature of our social contract and the need to "re-humanize" each other, and he compares the concepts of "calling out" vs "calling in" when faced with possible destructive political views and actions by others.
Monday Mar 20, 2023
#29 Caroline Stevenson peace activist 1-20-23 Part 2 Episode 29
Monday Mar 20, 2023
Monday Mar 20, 2023
OTOH Episode 29: Part 2 of a conversation with Caroline Stevenson
This second episode of Glen and April's interview with long-time community activist Caroline Stevenson begins with her describing how she worked as a peace activist alongside members of the military in developing and funding the Beacon of Peace and Hope in North Little Rock and how both groups came to have enduring and respectful relationships despite their differences. Caroline explains her hopes in Arkansas for an eventual swing toward more moderation and mutual respect in its politics, which she saw during the Winthrop Rockefeller governorship. She recommends using one's own life experiences as a basis for taking action on matters of personal importance to each of us.
Monday Mar 20, 2023
#28 Caroline Stevenson peace activist 1-20-23 part 1: OTOH Episode 28
Monday Mar 20, 2023
Monday Mar 20, 2023
Glen and April interview long-time community activist Caroline Stevenson, who has provided advocacy in areas such as mental health, peace, and interfaith relationships. In this first episode, Caroline discusses how the development early in life of a serious mental illness in one of her sons fueled her interest in mental health, which led her and a few other families in Arkansas to develop a state affiliate of the National Alliance on Mental Illness for support of families and reduction of stigma of mental illness. Caroline also disclosed how the death of another son in the PanAm airline bombing in 1988 initially led to bitterness and thoughts of vengeance, yet she chose to instead embark on a life-long attempt to reach across differences in religious beliefs. Additionally, she became active in peace movements, while still seeking to develop relationships with others who saw things differently, including members of the military.
Thursday Mar 02, 2023
#27 Monica Guzman, author and Braver Angels leader, 2-9-23, Part 2: OTOH Episode 27
Thursday Mar 02, 2023
Thursday Mar 02, 2023
In this 2nd episode of a conversation with journalist, national Braver Angels leader, and best-selling author Monica Guzman, April & Glen explore with Monica her assertion that "people underrepresented in our lives are overrepresented in our imagination" and how that requires us to get to know more people who differ from us. She points out how talking with those others helps us to check our darker visions with the realities we find when we talk with curiosity with others. Monica identifies politics and journalism as two key institutions that may be mostly responsible for our current polarization but that they can also be our best hope for helping solve those problems. They can change by learning and incorporating the best new ideas of our current people and culture. Seeing many opportunities for discovering common ground across our various groups, Monica tells stories of how others have grown closer via their discovery of unexpected common ground. She describes the "temperamental revolution" required of all of us, especially politicians whose yelling in public discourse is often an audition for media appearances. Finally, she talks about her hopes for our country and culture and asserts that "there is no one not worth talking to."
Thursday Mar 02, 2023
#26 Monica Guzman, author and Braver Angels leader, 2-9-23, Part 1: OTOH Episode 26
Thursday Mar 02, 2023
Thursday Mar 02, 2023
Glen & April welcome Monica Guzman, a journalist, Braver Angels national leader, and best-selling author of the book "I Never Thought of It That Way: How To Have Curious Conversations in Dangerously Divided Times." In this first episode, Monica traces her journey in journalism as she encounters pressure to take sides and instead commits to promoting multiple voices and perspectives. She describes how an extended conversation with someone on the other side taught her to be patient in order for an understanding and relationship to develop, so that each of them could recognize flaws on their side and acknowledge good points on the other side. She emphasizes the importance of this complete understanding in revealing truth, and how that approach requires intellectual humility, curiosity, and courage in the face of uncertainty. When so much of us easily view others as monsters or as posing an existential threat to our way of life or our identity, Monica notes the role of fear in this process, and how it greatly distorts the reality and the truth that can ultimately bring us together.
Monday Jan 16, 2023
Monday Jan 16, 2023
In Episode 25, Ray Hanley defends his efforts to support government programs that help kids and families with healthcare access as being consistent with a conservative, pro-family and pro-business approach. He also talks in some depth about how he was able to persuade many persons on the value of such programs to their community. As someone who has spent much of his career as a conservative but who sometimes takes positions not usually associated with a Republican philosophy, he describes lessons he has learned about how to successfully negotiate or talk with persons generally in opposition to his ideas. He ends with his analysis of the likely future of Arkansas politics in coming years.
Monday Jan 16, 2023
Monday Jan 16, 2023
In Episode 24, we feature Part 1 of an interview with Ray Hanley, a long time figure in Arkansas politics and in the private sector. He served, for example, for 7 years as an executive in EDS, the technology company headed by Ross Perot. Ray also has had extensive service in Arkansas government, including his time in the Huckabee administration when he played a key role in getting Medicaid expansion for children passed (ARKIDS First). He also helped spearhead the effort for Arkansas to adopt Medicaid expansion under the Affordable Care Act years later. Despite his generally conservative views politically, Ray has faced criticism from some Republican quarters for these and other stances. He explains how he views his positions as very consistent with a conservative, pro-family and pro-business approach.
Sunday Dec 04, 2022
Sunday Dec 04, 2022
In part 2 of their conversation with Dr. Sherry Simon, psychologist and leader in Pax Christi AR, April and Glen explore with Sherry strategies for handling difficult moments in the work she does. In addition to approaches derived from her profession as a psychologist, Sherry also discusses ways that mindfulness-based approaches help her deal with the blowback she and others in Pax Christi sometimes experience from those who may not agree with their work. Glen and April also weigh in with insights from their professional and personal experiences in dealing with difficult conversations.
Sunday Dec 04, 2022
Sunday Dec 04, 2022
April and Glen talk with vice-president and board member of Pax Christi, Arkansas, psychologist Dr. Sherry Simon. Pax Christi is a Catholic organization devoted to the pursuit of peace. Sherry talks about the work Pax Christi does, how persons of various political views work together for the cause of peace, and how her knowledge and skills as a psychologist help her in this work. She discusses the active approach required in a pursuit of peace.
Tuesday Oct 18, 2022
Tuesday Oct 18, 2022
In part 2 of this conversation, April and Glen speak with David Childs, Red co-coordinator for Braver Angels in Arkansas, about why he joined Braver Angels. David describes his past experiences with serving in public office and as a government employee, and how his time in Braver Angels has led to an evolution in how he interacts with others during political conversations.
Braver Angels Arkansas
On the Other Hand is sponsored by Braver Angels in Arkansas, part of a national organization that aims to reduce political polarization, to help people discover common ground, and to promote a more respectful and productive exchange of perspectives among participants in our democracy. Music heard during the On the Other Hand podcast was composed by Randall Standridge of Jonesboro, AR and was performed by the University of Northern Colorado Symphonic Band, Dr. Richard Mayne, conductor.
Listeners of On the Other Hand – we want to hear from you!
We’d love to hear from our listeners about feedback on what you like about our podcast, suggestions for improvement, ideas for speakers or topics, or whatever you want to share with us. Email us at: otherhandar@gmail.com
Learn more about us on our web site or visit our Facebook page.